Monday, September 26, 2011

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: Economic survey by Credit Suisse in cooperation with the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
Zurich, July 21, 2011 According to the latest Credit Suisse ZEW Indicator, economic expectations for Switzerland have diminished significantly.The indicator plunged by 34.6 points to the -58.9-point mark in July, thus reaching its lowest level since the beginning of 2009. The indicator for the assessment of the current economic situation also recorded a sharp drop, falling by 17.4 points to the 52.9-point threshold. The respective balances for inflation as well as interest rate expectations also registered much lower readings in July. The indicator for the inflation outlook decreased by 27.0 points, with merely 23.5% of the financial market experts surveyed predicting that inflation rates will advance in the coming six months. The balance for expectations regarding the short-term interest rate environment lost ground by 30.5 points to the 18.2-point level. At the same time, however, a greater share (55.9%, up 15.4 percentage points) of analysts in this month’s survey anticipate that the Swiss franc will lose terrain versus the euro in the coming half-year.