Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines:Why China Is Hoarding Rare Earths

Watch out! China continues its hoarding of rare-earth metals — a substance vital to the manufacturing of high-tech products, from flat-screen TVs, laptops and mobile phones, to batteries for electric cars and solar panels.
Is China establishing itself as the next Saudi Arabia for technology manufacturing, complete with an OPEC-style embargo? And what could this mean for America’s continued technology sector primacy and the prices our consumers pay for technology products?
No need to hit the panic button just yet. With the initial fear-driven headlines on this topic come and gone, it’s time to revisit one of Chairman …

1 comment:

  1. No need to hit the panic button just yet. With the initial fear-driven headlines on this topic come and gone, it’s time to revisit one of Chairman …
